Who is behind Asap KB?


Marcus Lindgren,

trotting trainer at Marlin Cheval AB at the Halmstad trot and CEO/chairman of the investment company Marlin Capital AB and the development company EDS Equo Digitech Solutions AB (which owns the subsidiary ASAB Admin Sverige AB, which thus runs Asap KB). Marcus is not currently active in the executive work in ASAB Admin Svenska AB, due to the trotting associations rules for professional trotting trainers, but has an important role in the development work in the parent company.

Marcus has a past as CEO/Chairman of the Board/Development Manager/Editorial Manager at DMH Daytime Media House AB, a company group with brands such as Travtjänsten, Sporttjänsten, travnet.se, Travfakta, Snoken and Dagens Spel etc. In these companies, Marcus was active during the years 1996- 2005 before handing over the CEO role to take out his trotting license full time.

In 2013, Marlin Cheval AB started its business with cooperative horses on a small scale, a business that today has grown to around 40 horses and is called "stable MARLIN". It was the need for a stable admin service, like the Easy KB template with significantly better digital performance and faster service, that gave birth to the idea for what has become Asap KB today.

Board of Directors/Participant

Erik Bergqvist,

latest star to join the company in March 2023, a very interesting addition. Erik has over 20 years of experience in qualified sales, sales management and business development. For a decade now, Mr. Bergqvist has been working for the Microsoft company LinkedIn, where he leads one of their largest business areas in the entire Nordic region. In addition to this, Erik is extremely committed to the trot as both a horse owner and a fencer, and according to his own statement, he never sees fewer than 150 races a week. Erik's path into Asap KB simply comes from the fact that he was one of the first customers during the 2021 test period and our product was completely to his liking - and on that path it is. Erik will lead our sales team into the future via his position as a board member in the development company EDS Equo Digitech Solutions AB and in our management team.

Mattias Lindeberg,

entrepreneur in the horse industry via Emin Svenska AB, which has been owned by him and his wife Eva for many years, a company that was started by Mattia's father "Nisse Emin", a legend in horse Sweden. Mattias has a solid education in business and has been involved in the trotting industry from an early age and in recent years also in other departments within the horse industry. Mattias has lifelong industry knowledge and great expertise in contract negotiations and the like. The Lindeberg family are also horse owners at Asap KB, where Camelot As and Redbull Pellini have had the best starts so far. Mr Lindeberg works actively within Asap KB, is responsible on the board of ASAB Admin Svenska AB and a member of the development company EDS Equo Digitech Solutions AB.

Stefan Berggren,

product developer and member of several management groups in companies within trotting and gaming media since the 1990s. Today, Stefan can be found in the management team of listed Everysport Group AB, where he typically works with development and management of the company group's digital products. Previously, Stefan worked, among other things, as vice president at DMH Daytime Media House AB. Stefan also runs his own investment company, Profitera Invest AB, which specializes in digital products and is a horse owner at Asap KB, including in the winning machine Nugget Zon. Stefan's role at Asap KB lies primarily in assisting the board and the management team with adequate industry input regarding strategies and digital production.

Other participants

LR Akridi KB works with accounting, auditing and tax advice. The company is linked to Asap KB as guarantor of stable accounting and tax advice. The law firm Hallgren & Partners in Halmstad has been responsible for the company agreements that all shareholders/limited partners/investors sign in relation to the admin company. The company works with really talented technology developers, where the leading technician even has a past as a trotting trainer before he saddled up completely 20 years ago.

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